
About Opinions Regarding the Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)


 In Nara Prefecture, work is currently underway towards the formulation of the Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name) (hereafter “plan”).
 As part of this process, and in order to take into account the opinions of Nara Prefecture residents, we are releasing the “Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” and accepting comments and opinions from the general public. We would like to ask for your cooperation in submitting opinions at this time.
 Unfortunately, as we cannot individually respond to each comment or opinion received, we ask for your understanding.


1.Subject of Opinions

 ・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)”


2.Documents Released

・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” Outline(pdf 982KB)
・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)”(pdf 2545KB)
※If new data is released following the collection of opinions, there may be revisions made to the graphs and related sections.
・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” Outline (English)(pdf 609KB)
・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” Outline (Chinese, Simplified)(pdf 546KB)
・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” Outline (Korean)(pdf 415KB)
・“Draft of the Nara Prefecture Multicultural Diversity Plan(Tentative Name)” Outline (Vietnamese)(pdf 509KB)


3.Opinion Submission Period

 From Thursday, December 26th, 2024 to Monday, January 27th, 2025 (Delivery Date)


4.Document Release Methods

(1)Direct Viewing(The plan can be viewed in-person at the following locations.)
  [1]Prefectural Administrative Information Center (Nara Prefectural Government Office East Wing 1st Floor)
  [2]Prefectural Resident Useful Information Corners (4 locations in Nara Prefecture)
  (Nara Prefectural Library & Information Center, Nara Prefectural Industrial Hall, Kashihara City Hall Annex (Migrans), 
Yoshino Town Central Community Center)

  [3]Nara Prefecture International Affairs Division (Nara Prefectural Government Office Main Building 6th Floor)
  [4]Nara Prefecture International Citizens Center
   The plan is also available on the website of the Nara Prefecture International Affairs Division:


5.Opinion Submission Method

 Please clearly indicate the document(s) you are responding to and use the designated reply form to submit your opinions via the contact form (Nara Prefecture homepage) or by mail.
 Submissions must be in Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, or Vietnamese.
 Please note that we cannot accept opinions submitted anonymously or over the phone.
(1)For submissions by contact form:
(2)For submissions by post(★Reply Form(pdf 185KB)★Reply Form(xlsx 16KB)):
   Attention: Multicultural Affairs Section, International Affairs Division,
   Office of the Governor, Nara Prefectural Government
   Noborioji-cho 30, Nara City, Nara Prefecture 630-8501 JAPAN


6. Information Requested

(1)Name, Address, and Contact Information of Sender
 ・Personal information will only be used to contact the sender in the event that confirmation is needed regarding the 
submission contents. It will not be shared.

(2)Opinion Content
 ・So that we can understand which part(s) of the plan you are responding to, please clearly indicate the relevant 
sections (using page numbers, subheadings, line numbers, etc.) in your response.


7. Regarding the Use of Opinions

(1)Opinions collected will be referenced when formulating the plan.
(2)Outlines of opinions received and any revised plans or comments from the Prefecture in response to these opinions, along with the content and reasoning for these changes, will be made publicly available for a limited period. However, names of individuals or other personal information will not be released.

(3)Individual responses to opinions received will not be provided.
(4)All documents, etc. submitted cannot be returned.
(5)In some cases, opinions that are unclear or that consist only of conclusions without
   sufficient reasoning provided will not be addressed by the Prefecture.
(6)You may be contacted for confirmation regarding the content of your submission.

8.For Inquiries:

  Multicultural Affairs Section, International Affairs Division,
  Office of the Governor, Nara Prefectural Government
  TEL 0742-27-8477(Direct Line)



〒 630-8501 奈良市登大路町30




〒630-8122 奈良市三条本町8-1シルキア奈良2階

