Event 21

Nara JETNet 21st Event
Yamanobe no Michi Friendship Hike

  On March 9th 2008, Nara JETNet held its twenty-first international event, following Japan’s oldest trail, the Yamanobe no Michi. The event involved a total of 75 Japanese participants and 36 JETs . It received especially high praise from Japanese and JET participants, as it allowed them to have meaningful exchanges in a relaxed atmosphere.

At 8.30am, participants gathered at JR Miwa Station, and received name tags. JETs and Japanese participants were divided into 10 groups and left the station at a 4 minute interval with the first group leaving around 9.00am.

  The hike started from Miwa Shrine and went all the way to Tenri’s Isonokami Shrine, following the Yamanobe No Michi trail for about 13km. Halfway through, participants rested and had lunch (brought with them) at the Tenri Trail Center. A TV crew followed one of the groups for about 2 hours in the morning.

  Upon reaching the Isonokami Shrine, group pictures were taken and participants were asked to fill out survey forms.

  The survey forms filled by the Japanese Participants (62 forms were collected) revealed that everyone enjoyed the trail (50 people thought it was great, and 12 people thought it was good), despite mixed answers to the length of the trail (11 people thought it was too long, 50 people thought it was just right, and 1 person thought it was too short). A majority of participants (61) thought that communication with JETs during the hike was enjoyable. 35 people answering the survey were first time participants to the trail and said they really enjoyed it.

  The JETNet team would like to express its appreciation to everyone who participated, and we hope to see you again at a future event!

Select Photographs



 〒 630-8501奈良市登大路町30




 〒630-8122 奈良市三条本町8-1シルキア奈良2階



