Event 33

Nara JETNet 33rd Event
A Very JETNet Christmas!

  On December 12th, 2010, Nara JETNet held its 33rd event entitled “A Very JETNet Christmas!” Nara JETNet is a committee which plans events to promote cultural exchange and understanding between the members of the JET Programme and citizens of Nara Prefecture. The organizers of JETNet events are the 5 Coordinators for International Relations (CIR) working for the Nara Prefectural Government, and members are JET Programme participants located throughout Nara Prefecture. This event saw 58 citizens of the prefecture participate alongside 41 JETs, enjoying a baking and activities event with a holiday theme.

  The day’s events began at 9.30am. Participants were split into two groups: one that would be baking sweets in the morning, with the other group baking in the afternoon. While one group was making progress in the kitchen, the other group took part in activities in another large room while talking with JETs. Activities included bingo and a music quiz, as well as crafts that involved making reindeer hats, snowflakes and Christmas tree pins. The goods that were baked in the kitchen by everyone included a French cake, German pretzels, gingerbread cookies and Hershey Kiss cookies.

  The event was planned so that participants could exchange with each other through various countries’ games and foods. Surveys indicated the event was a big success, with participant comments including “It was fun event being able to make crafts and food. I’d like to participate next time as well,” and “It was my first time participating in one of your events, and I was surprised by how much it succeeded my expectations!” Comments on JET surveys included “The event was great on the whole. It seems that all participants could enjoy themselves to the end,” and “This was the most fun event I have attended yet.” Other comments from participants expressed things like “Even the shy children had lots of time to interact with JETs,” and “It was enjoyable because we could all talk freely with JETs.” Another JET offered, “Whether it was through activities or baking, all participants were able to work together. The day’s activities made it easy to talk and exchange among everyone.”

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